Painless Delivery

The biggest fear of every women to be a mother is Labour pain. At Motherhood Women’s & Child Care Hospital every expecting mother is explained the benefits of opting Epidural Assisted – Painless delivery. It is a simple procedure in which a small injection is placed in the lower back, which is connected to a small tube-Epidural Catheter. Through Catheter, drugs are passed to provide a painless delivery process. The amount of dosage as per pain sensitivity of individual can be adjusted by Anesthetic Doctor.

Painless Delivery is the natural way of child birth almost without experiencing any pain during labor. The epidural anesthesia used in this procedure it allows mothers to have normal delivery without pain and is the most famous method of pain relief during labour.

gynecologist in Ahmedabad

Advantages of Painless Delivery:-

  • Epidural Anesthesia gives help from pain and hence mother and child can be comfortable.
  • It is very regular for few females to encounter Hypertension, but Epidural analgesia can bring down the Blood pressure impressively.
  • Chances of vaccum or forceps Delivery is little higher with Epidural delivery or painless delivery as compared to normal delivery.
  • Energy level is well maintained throughout the Labour.
  • If Cesarean is required the same tube can be used and no need to place another one.

Normal Delivery

Normal delivery is a natural way for a child birth, except for some severe medical conditions. With modern technology, Motherhood

gynecologist hospital in Ahmedabad

, now offer mothers an option for a painless normal delivery and be an active participant in the delivery process.

Sign and Symptoms before Labor :-

  • Vaginal discharge increases
  • Most frequent and stronger contractions that progress with time.
  • Cramping and pain in lower back that redirect to abdomen and legs.
  • Water breaking i.e. The rapture of amniotic sac

Tips for Normal Delivery :-

Here are few tips from Motherhood’s

best gynaecologist in Ahmedabad

that you need to follow post delivery

  • Stay away from stress.
  • Stay positive and refrain from negative birth stories.
  • Say no to gossips.
  • Acquire knowledge about birthing
  • Build strong support and have your partner, mother and close friend around, so that they can boost your confidence and allay your fears about normal delivery.
  • Stay Hydrated and have healthy nutritious food.
  • Do Regular exercise, breathing, walking, Prenatal yoga etc
best gynecologist hospital in Ahmedabad

Who can have Normal Delivery :-

  • She should have Age of 20 years to 40 years.
  • Uncomplicated pregnancy.
  • Average baby weight should be 2.5kg – 3.5 kg.
  • Adequate pelvic size.

Why should you prefer Normal Delivery :-

  • Healthier for mom and baby.
  • Facilitates Breast feeding.
  • Faster post delivery recovery.
  • Short hospital stay.

High Risk Pregnancy Unit

Pregnancy with accelerated hypertension htn with ecalmpsia and pre eclapmsic condition which was comes under HIGH RISK factor in pregnancy for patient and baby as well this rare condition is managed in our hospital with good result.

Pregnancy induced diabetes mellitus and pre existing dm HYPOTHYROIDISM and other associated medical condition which leads to risk factor in pregnancy is also managed under one roof.


Loop of cord around neck, PRETERM LABOUR with meconium, TWINS WITH IUGR WITH OLIGOHYDRO. All high risk condition is efficiently managed.

Our dedicated and skillful Gynecologist & Obstetrician provide

High risk pregnancy treatment in Ahmedabad

to manage patients like pregnancy with previous bad obstetric history, repeated abortion and pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy with previous bad obstetric history, repeated abortion and pregnancy loss.

Pregnancy with medical condition like Diabetes mellitus, Hypertension, Renal disease, Heart disease, Thyroid, Obesity, anemia& any diseased conditions.

Multiple Pregnancy(Twins / Triplets)

  • Dedicated and advanced Operation theatres and ICU set up for female.
  • In house dedicated MD Physician and anesthetic doctor’s team.
gynecologist doctor in Ahmedabad

Dr Anand Patel – Expert Gynecologist Doctor in Ahmedabad

M.D., D.G.O. Diploma in advance Gynec endoscopy (CICE-FRANCE). Diploma in Sonography and working as a consultant Gynec endoscopic surgeon, sonologist, IVF Specialist and high risk obstetrician since 2007.

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